Mills sees potential for Norwich in State Pier ideas

THE DAY (October 2, 2019) — At the Eastern Connecticut Chamber of Commerce’s Business Breakfast on Wednesday, Robert Mills, the president of the Norwich Community Development Corporation, expressed interest in the Connecticut Port Authority’s (CPA) plan for expansion on the deepwater port in New London, and he wanted to see if any of those insights are applicable to Norwich.

Mills is interested in development of land along the Thames River basin, including land in Norwich.

The speaker at the breakfast was David Kooris, acting chair of the CPA and the deputy commissioner of the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD). The focus of the CPA portion of the talk was the State Pier in New London, and how they plan to make New London a hub for assembling, and eventually manufacturing, offshore wind turbines.

Mills said that the land will “remain underutilized until the issues you’re addressing at the pier can be applied elsewhere.”

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