Envision Norwich 360 – Share YOUR Thoughts

October 4, 2022

Norwich, CT – Norwich Community Development Corporation and the City of Norwich are pleased to announce the launch of Envision Norwich 360, a centralized community feedback platform.

Envision Norwich 360 is an online tool to give residents, visitors, property owners, and folks who care about Norwich, a place to learn, communicate, and share their viewpoints with each other, city officials, and project teams. Envision Norwich 360 currently features 5 projects – Submit an Idea, The Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD), the Community Investment Fund 2030 (CIF 2030), The Marina, and A Walkable Downtown – Lower Broadway Improvements. These 5 topics are the first of many and as we receive feedback, the projects and the ways to interact will update, both in quantity and topics.

Each project is managed by project staff and/or municipal representatives. Depending on your submission, someone from the project team may contact you via the platform for additional information. This site is collaborative and meant to increase responsiveness and transparency. It helps city leaders make better decisions by listening to those who make our city a wonderful place to live, work, and play.

We encourage you to log on, sign up, and share your thoughts at Envision Norwich 360 .

NCDC is proud to partner with the City of Norwich, property owners, developers, and entrepreneurs to continue to revitalize our community.


To learn more about how NCDC can help you and your business, visit our website at: Staff | NCDC | Norwich Community Development Corporation | Norwich, (CT) Connecticut (askncdc.com)


Cannabis Industry Updates

From the City of Norwich: Map Information and Comparing Properties

Using this attached PDF along with the GIS link, compare/contrast available properties/opportunities (red outlined areas).

Potential Cannabis Manufacturing Locations 1-26-2022


These highlighted areas are representative, not all inclusive, and do not in any way represent the intentions of the landowner or suggest the sites are up for negotiation. It is your responsibility to investigate each opportunity fully.

State of Connecticut: Licensing Application Dates, Fees, and Guidelines

Please see the following link to learn more about the Licensing types, Application process, Fee structures, and deadlines for submission.

Types of Licenses – Application requirements and schedules are attached to each license type.

Fee Structures – Fees are based on application type

The first application period for each license type will open for a period of 90 days on the following dates:

  • Disproportionately Impacted Area Cultivator: February 3, 2022 (non-lottery)
  • Retailer: February 3, 2022
  • Micro-cultivator: February 10, 2022
  • Delivery Service: February 17, 2022
  • Hybrid Retailer: February 24, 2022
  • Food and Beverage: March 3, 2022
  • Product Manufacturer: March 10, 2022
  • Product Packager: March 17, 2022
  • Transporter: March 24, 2022

Social Equity Council: Workforce Development Plans

The Office of Workforce Strategy and the Governor’s Workforce Council support the Social Equity Council in developing criteria used to (i) focus on reinvesting or providing employment and training opportunities for individuals in disproportionately impacted areas and (ii) well organized to provide said opportunities. The below Workforce Development Plan Criteria are an important element of the overall licensing application for new Cannabis establishments in Connecticut. The Office of Workforce Strategy and the
Workforce Development Committee of the Social Equity Council request that the components of
the Workforce Development Plan Criteria are considered with fidelity as part of the larger licensing
application. Applicants will be expected to meet all criteria to qualify for a license.

Workforce Development Plan Criteria


Norwich Community Development Corporation and City of Norwich Host Cannabis Conversations: Starting Your Business In Norwich



Norwich, CT – Norwich, CT – Norwich Community Development Corporation and the City of Norwich are pleased to host Cannabis Conversations: Starting Your Business in Norwich

Join us for an exploratory session focused on answering your Social Equity Licensing questions, opportunities for cultivation and manufacturing, site selection, and general information about this new industry. Meet developers, investors, industry professionals, and potential partners at this early stage development event.

  • Q&A Session
  • Industry Networking
  • Featured Speakers – State of CT, City of Norwich, Norwich Public Utilities, Grow Operators
  • Gain access to planners & decision makers

Registration for this event can be found here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cannabis-conversations-getting-your-business-started-in-norwich-tickets-204405140277




Norwich Community Development Corporation and City of Norwich Grant $10K to Ventura Barbershop





Norwich, CT – Norwich, CT – Norwich Community Development Corporation and the City of Norwich are pleased to announce a Code Correction and Vanilla Box Project award of $10,073 to Ventura Barbershop. The grant was made possible through the American Rescue Plan funding received by the City of Norwich.

Originally from the Dominican Republic, Carlos envisioned a better life for himself and his young family. Settling in Norwich, he found himself ready to open his own business. With the support of friends, family, NCDC, and the City of Norwich, he has been able to open a space of his own.

Owners Carlos and Brenda Ventura dedicated themselves to rehabilitating and opening a formerly vacant location on Jewitt City Road in the Taftville section of Norwich. Reimbursing approximately 1/3 of the costs to bring the space into Code Compliance and occupancy readiness, the matching grant program directly supports this local, minority owned service business, once again demonstrating the need for the Code Correction Program and the Vanilla Box Project.

NCDC is proud to partner with the City of Norwich, property owners, developers, and entrepreneurs to continue to revitalize our community.

For additional information about the organization and projects that we have been involved:




Norwich Community Development Corporation Awarded Grant from The Edward and Mary Lord Foundation


Norwich, CT – Norwich Community Development Corporation is pleased to announce receipt of a $40,000 grant from The Edward and Mary Lord Foundation in support of the award-winning Downtown Revitalization Program’s Vanilla Box Project.

What is a Vanilla Box and how does this substantial and generous grant help the project achieve its goals?

A Vanilla Box is a commercial space that has not been improved but is ready for tenant fit out. The investment gap that exists between property owners and potential tenants is one that prevents the activation of vacant or unusable space. The Lord Family Foundation grant helps to close that gap.

The Vanilla Box Project has been instrumental in redeveloping and reactivating formerly vacant locations in and around downtown Norwich. Through a series of sub-projects and associated programs, the Vanilla Box Project has contributed to an increase of 100,000 square feet of occupiable space.

The Lord Family Foundation recognizes the value of investing in downtown Norwich and their financial contribution supports the efforts of NCDC to create a vibrant and dynamic downtown area for property owners, investors, business owners, and residents.

For additional information about the organization and projects that we have been involved:
