October 4, 2022

Norwich, CT – Norwich Community Development Corporation and the City of Norwich are pleased to announce the launch of Envision Norwich 360, a centralized community feedback platform.

Envision Norwich 360 is an online tool to give residents, visitors, property owners, and folks who care about Norwich, a place to learn, communicate, and share their viewpoints with each other, city officials, and project teams. Envision Norwich 360 currently features 5 projects – Submit an Idea, The Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD), the Community Investment Fund 2030 (CIF 2030), The Marina, and A Walkable Downtown – Lower Broadway Improvements. These 5 topics are the first of many and as we receive feedback, the projects and the ways to interact will update, both in quantity and topics.

Each project is managed by project staff and/or municipal representatives. Depending on your submission, someone from the project team may contact you via the platform for additional information. This site is collaborative and meant to increase responsiveness and transparency. It helps city leaders make better decisions by listening to those who make our city a wonderful place to live, work, and play.

We encourage you to log on, sign up, and share your thoughts at Envision Norwich 360 .

NCDC is proud to partner with the City of Norwich, property owners, developers, and entrepreneurs to continue to revitalize our community.


To learn more about how NCDC can help you and your business, visit our website at: Staff | NCDC | Norwich Community Development Corporation | Norwich, (CT) Connecticut (askncdc.com)