From the City of Norwich: Map Information and Comparing Properties

Using this attached PDF along with the GIS link, compare/contrast available properties/opportunities (red outlined areas).

Potential Cannabis Manufacturing Locations 1-26-2022

These highlighted areas are representative, not all inclusive, and do not in any way represent the intentions of the landowner or suggest the sites are up for negotiation. It is your responsibility to investigate each opportunity fully.

State of Connecticut: Licensing Application Dates, Fees, and Guidelines

Please see the following link to learn more about the Licensing types, Application process, Fee structures, and deadlines for submission.

Types of Licenses – Application requirements and schedules are attached to each license type.

Fee Structures – Fees are based on application type

The first application period for each license type will open for a period of 90 days on the following dates:

  • Disproportionately Impacted Area Cultivator: February 3, 2022 (non-lottery)
  • Retailer: February 3, 2022
  • Micro-cultivator: February 10, 2022
  • Delivery Service: February 17, 2022
  • Hybrid Retailer: February 24, 2022
  • Food and Beverage: March 3, 2022
  • Product Manufacturer: March 10, 2022
  • Product Packager: March 17, 2022
  • Transporter: March 24, 2022

Social Equity Council: Workforce Development Plans

The Office of Workforce Strategy and the Governor’s Workforce Council support the Social Equity Council in developing criteria used to (i) focus on reinvesting or providing employment and training opportunities for individuals in disproportionately impacted areas and (ii) well organized to provide said opportunities. The below Workforce Development Plan Criteria are an important element of the overall licensing application for new Cannabis establishments in Connecticut. The Office of Workforce Strategy and the
Workforce Development Committee of the Social Equity Council request that the components of
the Workforce Development Plan Criteria are considered with fidelity as part of the larger licensing
application. Applicants will be expected to meet all criteria to qualify for a license.

Workforce Development Plan Criteria